
swibox is well versed in tunnelling and can refer to a large number of reference projects. swibox helps with the selection of the right enclosures and electrical components. Special solutions are also often required in tunnels, where swibox is the contact partner as an enclosure specialist and is known as a solution finder.

The safety regulations for the construction and operation of road and railway tunnels are particularly strict. As passenger and goods trains pass through the tunnel at speeds of up to 250 km/h, all the components used are subjected to enormous pressure and suction loads. Added to this are considerable temperature differences, high humidity and extreme dust exposure. As a stainless steel specialist, swibox products have no problems with the highly corrosive environmental conditions in road tunnels.

Road tunnel

Railway tunnel

High-speed tunnel

Pre-configured connection and junction box

Connection and junction box with functional integrity

Wall-mounted and floor-standing enclosures for tunnelling systems

Fire protection housing with fire load insulation (fire from inside)

Fire protection housing (fire from outside)

Wall-mounted and floor-standing enclosure alternating pressure-tight

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