swibox – Fire protection solutions from Switzerland

With its 57 kilometres, the Gotthard Base Tunnel is still the reference project for the performance of swibox.

The safety regulations for the construction and operation of electrotechnical systems are particularly strict in tunnelling. Passenger and goods trains pass through tunnels at speeds of 250 km/h, resulting in enormous pressure and suction loads for all components used. Added to this are considerable temperature differences, high humidity and extreme dust exposure.

Based on these tunnelling projects, swibox has developed a product range that fully meets all the requirements of modern fire protection. Not only in tunnelling, but in all matters relating to the requirements of railway technology.

In-house product series such as the development of IOP enclosures, the UCB box or the RSE enclosure series make swibox a sought-after partner whenever innovative and technically sophisticated fire protection solutions need to be designed and implemented.